About Us

Creating, Transforming, Serving

Fremont United Methodist Church is a Lighthouse Congregation of The North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, in partnership with The United Methodist Collective and the Office of New Faith Communities.

We are a United Methodist congregation. As United Methodists, we are called to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)

We strive to create a space for the vibrant transformation of humble souls to serve Christ.

As we have each been created by God to be individuals, we recognize we do not agree with each other on every topic, but we love each other anyway and covenant to walk with each other on our Christian journey as a supportive church family.

Sunday Services

Worship – 10AM in the Sanctuary and via Facebook & YouTube

Sunday School Classes

  • 8:45AM – MOD (Methodist Open Discussion) – Scott-Richardson Room [Mixed Gender, Mixed Ages]
  • 9AM – SALT (Studying & Learning Together) – Upstairs Left/Sanctuary Building [Mixed Gender, Young Adults, Couples & Singles]
  • 9AM – Toddler – Church Nursery/Education Wing [Infants & Toddlers] (Nursery is also available during worship.)
  • 9AM – Children – Children’s Classroom/Education Wing [Preschool-5th grade]

Sunday Services

Worship – 10AM

Weekly Worship Format

First Sunday of the Month

We find connection to God through a classic style of worship, as we celebrate at traditional service of Word and Table. Our traditional service features a liturgical approach to worship and beautiful anthems by our chancel choir.

Second, Third & Fourth Sundays of the Month

The second and third Sundays of the month offer an inviting experience. We engage the rich tradition of the church blended with our favorite hymns and early-contemporary praise music. The choir presents a musical offering each week.

Fifth Sunday of the Month

Rev. Van Staalduinen invites creative worship on the fifth Sunday of the month. We may have a hymn sing, Scripture & Song Sunday, or whatever the Spirit leads.

Come Join Us!

Communion at Fremont UMC

We partake of communion on the first Sunday of each month. Children ages four years and over are invited to worship with their families on Communion Sundays. We celebrate an open table. ALL who wish to be in relationship with Jesus Christ are welcome at our table, including children and non-members. We participate in communion through the method of intinction. As you come forward, you are asked to do so with your hands together and open to indicate you are willing to receive the grace given so freely to us by God. A piece of bread (representing the body) will be placed in your hands. You will then step to the cup (representing the blood) and dip the bread into the cup and consume. Our cup contains grape juice, not wine. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, chose to use juice in an effort not to tempt anyone who may have an issue with alcohol.

Other Small Group Opportunities


Sunday J.A.M. (Jesus & Me) – Every Sunday – Following the Children’s Message – JAM Classroom

United Methodist Men – First Sunday of the month – 8:30 AM – Fellowship Hall


UWF Benton-Hooks Circle – First Monday of the month – 10AM – Fellowship Hall


Judy O’Neal Sew Blessed Community Prayer Shawl Ministry – Each week – 10AM – Fellowship Hall

UMW Stewart-Pike Circle – First Tuesday of the month – 7PM – Member’s homes. Contact Kathy Davis for the location.

50-Uppers (Lunch & Fellowship) – Second Tuesday of the month – 11:30AM – Fellowship Hall (September – May)


Choir – Each week – 7PM – Choir Room

Group Descriptions:

  • United Methodist Men (UMM) provide opportunities to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ.
  • United Women in Faith (UWF) provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, to become more deeply rooted in Christ, and to put faith into action. The Fremont UMW have two active circles that gather monthly for fellowship, study, and service. All groups support local and foreign missions.