Upcoming Events
Vacation Bible School
Click here for the VBS registration form!
Mission Projects:
Wish List Items for Fremont Elementary School
Members of the congregational are invited to bring the following items that were requested by the administration at Fremont Elementary School.
Date | Item | Date | Item | |
6/2/2024 | Paper Towels | 7/7/2024 | Lysol Wipes | |
6/9/2024 | Band-Aids | 7/14/2024 | Ziplock bags -Gallon or Quart | |
6/16/2024 | Kleenex | 7/21/2024 | Unscented Baby Wipes | |
6/23/2024 | Expo Markers Sharpies | 7/27/2024 | Pens/Pencils/Crayons | |
6/30/2024 | Hand Sanitizer |
Cry Freedom Missions
Benton-Hooks Continuous Fund Raiser
Benton-Hooks Circle is currently selling Danny Duzit stainless steel sponges and RADA Cutlery. Please contact Betty Brown at 919-242-1021 to place your orders.
Monthly Events
50-Uppers Fellowship Meal – On the second Tuesday of each month, folk 50 and older are invited to join us for a fellowship meal and entertainment.
Yearly Church Events
Souper Bowl Sunday Meal – On the day of the “Big Game” following worship, we will share soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Tournament Time Potluck – In March during tournament time, we will share a potluck meal and fellowship. Bring a dish or two to share! Also, we will have a Canned Food Drive supporting your favorite team. (Canned food only, one day only.)
Baby Bottle Fundraiser – Every year between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, congregants are invited to fill baby bottles (provided) with extra change to assist in the work of Wayne Pregnancy Center.
Blessing of the Backpacks – The Sunday before the start of school. All teachers, students, faculty, and staff are invited to bring their backpacks, messenger bags, and briefcases for a special blessing for the year.
Homecoming – We celebrate Homecoming on the 3rd Sunday in September. Join us for worship and a potluck fellowship meal to follow.
Blessing of the Animals – Bring your best-four-legged friends for a special blessing! We will gather at 4PM on the first Sunday in October.
Trunk-or-Treat – Don’t worry about going door-to-door, dress up in your costumes and come trunk-to-trunk! October 31 from 5:30-7PM.
Annual BBQ Meal & Auction – On the third Saturday in November, we host our Annual BBQ Meal & Auction. The meal begins at 5PM and the auction begins at 7PM. Auction items should arrive by lunchtime on Saturday.